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Sysdig : A Deep Dive into Container Monitoring and Security

Sysdig allows businesses to monitor and secure their container-based applications with ease. Container monitoring provides insight into the performance of individual containers and the cluster as a whole, enabling users to quickly identify and rectify issues. Sysdig also offers a suite of security tools to help organizations ensure their data is always safe and secure

Sysdig A Deep Dive into Container Monitoring and Security SustainableIT Banner Sustainable IT

Understanding Containerization

What is Containerization?

Containerization is a method of running distributed applications on cloud infrastructure. Containers make it simple to isolate and run services and applications.

Containerization vs Virtualization

While virtualization creates multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine, containerization isolates processes in a way that they share the same operating system and libraries.

How Sysdig Works

Hardware/Software Requirements

Sysdig runs as a kernel enhancement and needs Linux 3.10 or greater to be installed.


Sysdig can be deployed on-premises with the help of Sysdig Appliance, or in the cloud with Sysdig Cloud. Sysdig provides a command-line interface to interact with the kernel instrumentation layer.

Collecting Metrics and Traces

Sysdig collects metrics and application traces to get a complete picture of an application's performance. Sysdig captures information at a 10-second granularity, making it easy to analyze how an application is performing.


Sysdig provides numerous ways to analyze the data collected, including dashboards and alerts that can be set up to notify operators in realtime whenever an issue arises.

Sysdig Features

Container and Kubernetes Monitoring

Sysdig provides detailed insight into the performance of individual containers and Kubernetes clusters. This allows users to identify and resolve issues with ease.

Application Tracing

Application traces are collected for troubleshooting applications. They reveal how long each service is taking, bottlenecks of requests, which can lead users to solutions.


Sysdig secures containers from start to finish with its container firewall, threat detection, and container image vulnerability scanning.

Why Sysdig is Important for Cloud Security

Increasingly Complex Environments

With the rise of microservices, infrastructure has become more complex and dynamic than ever before. Monitoring tooling must evolve to match this.

Mounting Security Risks

Containers can pose new security risks, and organizations must be vigilant to avoid security breaches. Sysdig’s security features provide muchneeded peace of mind.